Is there any limit to the extraordinary health benefits of coconut oil? Coconut oil, milk and water have recently been extolled in the media for numerous health benefits. In the past coconuts were demonised for the high saturated fat content, which was assumed to convey health risks. Those of you who have seen me for consultations know that this was a simplistic view with no real basis in the science.
The fat in coconut oil is one of the few examples of medium chain fatty acids, specifically lauric acid, which we convert in the body to monolaurin. Coconuts have the highest component of lauric acid by composition after human breast milk. This is a potent infection fighter and toxic to viruses, fungi and bacteria. These medium chain acids are easier to convert to energy so it is a metabolism booster and an aid to weight loss. The molecular structure of these fatty acids is small so they are more easily able to penetrate and nourish the hair and skin.
Coconut oil can fuel your metabolism. There is a growing evidence base (PubMed) that eating 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil a day can reduce adipose tissue, specifically the fat around the middle of our body which is associated with adverse health outcomes. The fat in coconuts also increases our feelings of satiety and so we feel satisfied longer and are less likely to reach for the sugars and carbs.
My daily smoothie made with my wonderful Nutri Bullet always contains these items as a base – avocado, coconut oil, coconut milk, chia seeds, flax seeds, and then whatever combination of fruits or vegetables I feel like at that moment. It is delicious as well as truly nutritious. Try it and I’m sure you will agree.
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